Friday, November 30, 2007

Thing 10 or So What if I Didn't Finish Until Today

Ok, admit it - I am not alone in finishing today, November 30, the last day in which to earn the Best Buy certificate. Many of you join me in this great accomplishment. The big questions are
- what will you do now that you have finished???
- will you forget everything in the time it takes you to spend your Best Buy gift card?
- will you continue to blog?
- will you create new content for the SPL website or wiki?
- will you share these technologies with other staff and/or patrons?
I look forward to utilizing many of the "Things" and sharing them with patrons. I will consider other ways of sharing information with colleagues and patrons. I will continually look for more effecient ways of sharing the SPL resources with patrons and the community at large. In looking at the web presence for several Libraries, I found a number of things we can learn from and/or try to incorporate on the SPL site. For example, the St. Charles (IL) Library lists their Monthly Staff Reads on their RS page which we could easily do since we discuss them at our monthly meetings. We can get programming ideas from other Libraries such as Ann Arbor which has a very active young adult community. We can experiment with "Tag Searches" on the Westerville, Ohio catalog and see if we think this could be beneficial at SPL. I could go on and on, but instead I am going to revisit many of the "Things" and try the Bonus opportunities as well. Let's see what this will lead to next...

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